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How to buy?

How do I search for products?

First, figure out what you want to buy. Are you interested in a specific game? A gift card, perhaps? You can find everything you need using categories and/or the search bar on our main page.

I found what I want to buy, what do I do now?

Now that you’ve found what you were looking for, you should check the details of the product to make sure that you're getting the right version for the right platform.

Each seller has a few details that you can check about him as well: their rating (with the users' reviews), the number of products they sold . Once you've decided on the offer, you can either add to cart or click buy now  to complete the purchase.

Do all sellers offer instant delivery?

Most sellers offer instant deliveries, which means you'll get the digital product you bought as soon as your order is processed and completed.

However, there are some sellers who require more time to send you the product. Up to 24h.

I paid for my order, is there anything else I should do?

Nope, you're all set! All you need is wait for the payment to be processed. This may take from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. Once it's done, you will get the products you bought as soon as possible!

If that was an "Instant delivery" offer, you should get them in a few seconds. otherwise Up to 24h delivery, you will receive the keys as soon as the seller sends them to you.

You can also get the keys via the order status page and from your dashboard on once your order is complete.


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